Friday, October 19, 2007

Just Winding Down

It's Friday. Another teacher is on my roof cleaning out my gutters. Seems sad that he has to do that to make enough money to support his family, but I am glad he is available. I will be going back to school to get ready for Monday. It will take several hours. I would rather do it tonight than have to go on Sunday afternoon. I get blue enough when I have nothing to do but enjoy the day and the thought of Monday creeps in.

Tomorrow I am taking my first horseback riding lesson. I have posted some pictures of my daughter on her horse. She is great. I have been on one, but never enought to get the hang of how to make the monsters do what I want. I just kind of hang on, bounce around, and laugh at my lack of control. I got new paddock boots for the occasion. Any occasion to buy a new pair of footwear is good. If I had lots of cash, I would have a closet full of shoes. Some of the other moms of the girls at the barn are going to take lessons too. The rule is that the girls can't watch. It will be humiliating enough without the giggles and comments from them.

I am also teaching a pottery lesson tomorrow. Maybe I will actually have a chance to make some things this weekend. I did hear back from the folks who have the kick wheel. I haven't been able to reach them yet, but I am hoping it will work out to bring the thing home this weekend. I made enough money selling some pieces that it will be almost paid for. I got my kiln hooked up, and want to have something make to fire. I want to try it out.

Claire is working on painting the basement. She is moving downstairs. The chosen color is just awful, but I can live with it for a few years. It looks like a (I can't think of a darn thing to compare it too)... It is this "berry pink". It's pretty dark. When she got it, I though it would look okay if she painted one wall and used a neutral color to dull it a bit. No! The whole room glows. Isn't pink supposed to be calming?

I'm off to start my weekend. I guess it will start with a trip back to school. The good part is I can cut a movie, or ballgame, on and get my work done while I watch. It should be fine.

Mom and Dad are at Donna's. Dad called and said they were having a great time, even though it's raining.

It's all good!

Claire at the last show of the season. We were taking a lunch break.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I do need to have some fun!

I do love my job! At least the part where I get to actually teach kids. The thing that gets me down is that every day when I leave, the whole time I am away, I am thinking about how much I should be doing to be ready for the next day. If it isn't that, it is the mountain of papers that I need to grade, or the "homework" I have to do from one of my staff development activities. There are also the sad stories I know are the actual lives of kids. You can't just leave that at school. I don't really want to, but I can't help them and it makes me so damned depressed. I waffle back and forth on whether I should find something else. Each time I think I just can't do it any longer, I wonder what else I could actually do. I wish there were a place, a website, a counseling service, something, for teachers who need to make a change. A friend once told me that one of her friends took a day off to go out job hunting. Her discovery was that there was nothing that she was qualified to do but teach. Dear God! If that is the case, I am in deep doo-doo! I can see myself sticking it out for another 4 1/2 years, until Campbell gets done, but then something has got to give.

Erin is right. I need some grown up entertainment. I do need to talk Ol' Dan into taking me up to the home of the World Series Bound Cleveland Indians! (please, please...) I need to meet his college friend and chill. I need to be Beth for a little while, not Ms. Aspray!

If anyone out there has any ideas, I am open to suggestions. What can a middle aged, mother of 2, who needs benefits, do to make a good living. Anyone been where I am right now and found a good solution?

Seems too depressing - so here is something not so dismal. The weekend is coming and I can't wait. I don't have any plans yet, but the weather is supposed to be beautiful. It is fall, and I can't think of a more wonderul time of year. There is something about being outside and feeling nice and cool, but the sun shining on your hair until it feels hot. The smell of the pine straw and leaves makes me feel like my spirit is just outside of myself enough to be part of the crisp air. There is no other time as wonderful. My favorite day of the year is the day that it changes from daylight savings to standard time. I love that extra hour, and no matter how tired I am, I stay up for another hour, just because... It is best when shared with someone you love.

I called someone about an add for a potter's kick wheel. maybe they will call me back and I can work on my setting up my studio this weekend. That would be sweet!

Now I can go to sleep, dreaming of what I will be when I "grow up", and wake up tomorrow, one day closer to the weekend. Anticipation can be a good thing.